Our Blogs

Try These Simple Ways to Promote Independence in Seniors

In a previous blog post, we stressed the importance of overcoming the impulse to do everything for an older loved one, and as much as possible, promoting independence in seniors. While this is certainly easier said than done, there are some steps you can take towards reaching this goal. The experts at professional home care services, Home & Hearth Caregivers,…

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Maintaining Independence with a Little Help from Technology

In the days when our parents were young, phones were still attached to walls, mail was delivered by postmen, and if adult children lived far away from their parents, checking in on them was comprised of asking someone nearby to stop in for a visit. If someone was housebound because of illness or infirmity, isolation could quickly set in. Social…

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Taking a Step Back Can Help Foster a Sense of Senior Independence

As you go through the different periods of your life, your stages of independence can take on different meanings. They can be significant stages, such as leaving your parents’ home or getting married, or smaller stages, such as completing tasks you didn’t think you could manage. Then as you age, independence takes on still another form – being able to…

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Holiday Ideas for Seniors: How to Plan the Perfect Outing

The holiday season is all about enjoying time with family—from the youngest baby to the oldest great-grandfather, and everyone in between! And this season, whether you’re getting together for dinner, a party, or any other group outing, it’s important to be prepared. Consider these holiday ideas for seniors from Chicago’s top-rated in home care provider, Home & Hearth Caregivers, to…

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Help Seniors Overcome Seasonal Depression This Winter

Changing seasons can sometimes bring on changes in how we feel. And while for many of us, the holiday season is a joyful time—the colder temperatures and shorter days can bring on darker feelings as well. The low light that occurs in fall and winter can lead to a type of clinical seasonal depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). During…

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