Home is where the heart is, and most seniors’ hearts are set on remaining at home throughout the aging process, rather than moving to an assisted living facility or nursing home – nearly 90% of them, according to AARP. And who can blame them? Feeling comfortable in familiar surroundings, having the independence to come and go as you desire, experiencing…
If there’s one constant you can be sure of when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, it’s change! Sometimes it seems that as soon as you’ve figured out how to successfully help your loved one cope with one challenge, it’s replaced with another. Home & Hearth Caregivers cares deeply about helping those with Alzheimer’s disease, and those who care for…
If you’re like most family members providing care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, you’ve likely gone to the Internet to try to learn as much as possible about the disease. And if so, you’ve probably also discovered a lot of conflicting information, making it hard to know which resources you can trust. At Home…
Think for a moment about how it might feel to wake up in a strange place, unable to fathom how you got there or even who you are. Utter confusion quickly morphs into fear and anger, and your reaction may be to lash out at the stranger standing beside your bed, even though he or she is speaking to you…
The ability to get up and go wherever we want, whenever we want is a freedom many of us may not give a second thought. Driving symbolizes so much more than just part of a daily routine; it represents both independence and self-reliance. And, it can be incredibly difficult when the time comes to give that up. Driving requires sustained…
Those who provide care for a senior loved one know when something seems a bit “off”. You become so familiar with the person’s mannerisms, routines, and daily life that even the slightest change can be glaringly obvious. And when something out of the ordinary becomes apparent to you – even if not yet noticeable to others – it’s important to…
Contrary to popular belief, aging and slowing down do not necessarily go hand in hand! Today’s generation of seniors in particular is breaking the mold. Case in point: the Brooklyn Senior Games, a highly competitive, Olympic-style athletic event for seniors ranging in age from mid-60s into the 90s. Or Olga Kotelko, the amazing 93-year-old record-breaking track and field athlete. While…
After months of back-and-forth discussion, you’ve finally reached an agreement: Mom’s ready for some in-home care assistance, just for a few hours a week for now, to help with tasks around the house and with transportation to the grocery store and doctors’ appointments. One of Mom’s neighbors found a caregiver through the “help wanted” section of the paper, and raves…
“There’s no place like home…” That sentiment speaks to seniors even more than it did to Dorothy when she clicked those ruby red shoes together and dreamed of leaving the Land of Oz behind. Given the options, an overwhelming majority of seniors – as many as 90% of them, according to a recent AARP report – prefer to age at…
Let’s be honest: providing care for a senior loved one, in spite of its many rewards, can be stressful. Trying to meet the ongoing, 24/7 needs of another while managing the intricacies of your own life (career, family, home, volunteering, pets, just to name a few) takes more energy and patience than most of us possess. And yet, in tandem…