Try These Unique Father’s Day Ideas for Seniors

Dear old Dad! He’s been your biggest fan since the day you were born, running beside you as you learned to balance on a bike for the first time, coaching your Little League team, and working incredibly long hours to make sure your family was well provided for. And now that he’s older, how can you adequately show your love…

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Home & Hearth Caregivers’ Tips for Managing Multiple Health Conditions

Diabetes… heart disease… Alzheimer’s… Parkinson’s… arthritis… the list of chronic conditions that can impact seniors is exhaustive. As many as 85% of all seniors are battling at least one, and 60% struggle with two or more. Managing the medical appointments and procedures, medications, and dietary requirements for one condition is tough enough, but when multiple diagnoses come into play, it’s…

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16 Holiday Movies to Share With A Senior

When you care to spend time with a senior family member, sometimes you both run out of things to talk about. Watching movies together can be a great solution. You can use a film as an excuse to get your senior out of the house for a lazy matinée, grab some popcorn like when you were young, enjoy the big…

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6 Steps For Better Elderly Care In the New Year

If you have an elderly loved one, the time might be approaching when more hands on care is required. Whether that need is just around the corner or still a few years away, now is the time to observe and prepare for a next step. Vision, flexibility, motor skills, and other physical abilities often decline gradually. It’s not always easy to notice those changes…

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Senior Holiday Events Around Chicago

Most adults enjoy getting out and going places. They enjoy seeing and doing things. But, as a person ages and becomes more sensitive to cooler weather or needs help with moving around or traveling, they may be hesitant to get out. Unfortunately, this often results in becoming reluctant to partake in activities they have previously enjoyed. However, the numerous senior holiday events around…

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